As with all food it needs to come from somewhere and why not from your own garden; so I have compiled this list of plants I think I would like in my garden. I also tend to stick with Open-Pollinated varieties because I get a kick out of saving seeds (and I only have to buy them once), so if they are hybrid it will be noted with F1. This list will be changing as I try new things and decide whether I like them or not, and if they are worth the trouble to grow or if I'm just better off buying them.
🌽 Vegetable 🍅
- Artichoke
- Asparagus
- Jersey Knight
- Bean, Snap
- Cobra (Pole)
- Gold Mine (Bush)
- Purple Queen (Bush)
- Bean, French/Filet
- Denver (Bush)
- French Filet (Bush)
- Maxibel (Bush)
- Velour (Bush)
- Bean, Dry Shelling
- Broad Windsor (Fava, Snap)
- Cannellini Lingot (Bush)
- Cherokee Trail of Tears (Pole, Snap)
- Cranberry (Bush)
- Painted Pony (Bush)
- Thai Mung (Bush)
- Beet
- Chioggia
- Cylindra
- Early Wonder Tall Top
- Subeto
- Touchstone Gold
- Bitter Melon
- Brussels Sprouts
- Roodnerf
- Cabbage
- Charmant
- Golden Acre
- Carrots
- Amarillo
- Atomic Red
- Danvers Half Long
- Dragon
- Nutri-Red
- Purple 68
- Purple Haze
- Red Cored Chantenay
- Red Samurai
- Celery
- Corn
- Golden Bantam
- Hooker's Sweet Indian
- Kandy Korn
- On Deck
- Corn, Popcorn
- Early Pink
- Cucumber, Slicing
- Marketmore
- Spacemaster
- Cucumber, Pickling
- Double Yield
- National Pickling
- Eggplant
- Listada De Gania
- Prosperosa
- Garlic, Hardneck
- Blanak
- Chinese Pink
- Garlic, Softneck
- Monviso
- Kale
- Lacinato
- Improved Dwarf Siberian
- Lettuce
- Flashy Trout's Back (Romaine)
- Gondar (Crisp)
- Green Ice (Loose)
- Loma (Batavia)
- Oaky Red Splash (Loose)
- Melon
- Crenshaw
- Melon, Cantaloupe
- Hales Best Jumbo
- Minnesota Midget
- Melon, Honeydew
- Sweet Delight (Honeydew)
- Wild Arugula
- Wasabi
- Okra
- Onion, Bunching
- Evergreen
- White Lisbon (spring)
- Onion, Long-day
- Blush (Red)
- Red River
- Red Zeppelin
- Redwing
- Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish
- Onion, Intermediate-Day
- Pea
- Green Arrow
- Lincoln
- Sugar Daddy (Snap)
- Sugar Heart (Snap)
- Peanut
- Pepper, Hot
- Ají AmarilloAjí Mirasol(sun-dried)
- Ají Charapita
- Ají Limo
- Ají Panca
- Early Jalapeño
- Fresno Chili
- Habenero
- PoblanoChile Ancho(dried)
- Serrano Tampiqueno
- Pepper, Sweet
- Cal Wonder
- California Wonder
- Yolo
- Potato
- Sangre (Red)
- Radish
- Cherry Belle
- Shallot
- Camelot
- Gray
- Spinach
- Bloomsdale Longstanding
- Squash, Summer
- Black Beauty Zucchini
- Crookneck
- Early Prolific Straightneck
- Squash, Winter
- Blue Jarrahdale Pumpkin
- Small Sugar Pumpkin
- Small Wonder Spaghetti
- Sweet Potato
- Centennial
- Georgia Jet
- Swiss Chard
- Tomatillo
- Mexican Strain
- Purple
- Tomato
- Beefsteak
- Believe It Or Not
- Big Rainbow
- Black Cherry
- Black Pineapple
- Black Zebra
- Brandywine Black
- Brandywine Sudduth's
- Burgess Stuffing
- Cherry Roma
- Golden Gem
- Green Zebra
- Hamson DX-52-12
- Heidi
- Ildi
- Marmande
- Pink Oxheart
- Rose Quartz
- Summer Cider
- Sungold Select
- Turnip
- Watermelon
🌿 Herbs & Spices 🌿
- AllspicePimenta dioica
- Basil
- Italian Sweet Basil
- Sweet Basil
- Bay Leaf
- CaliforniaUmbellularia californica
- IndianCinnamomum tamala
- IndonesianSyzygium polyanthum
- MexicanLitsea glaucescens
- West IndianPimenta racemosa
- Chives
- Cilantro Coriander
- Slow Bolt
- Dill
- Epazote
- Fennel
- Florence
- Ginger
- Hibiscus / RoselleHibiscus sabdariffa
- Lavender
- Munstead Strain
- Lemon Grass
- Mint
- Spearmint
- Parsley
- Italian Flat-leaf
- Plain or Single
- Red Clover
- Rosemary
- Barbeque
- Sage
- Berggarten
- White
- Sichuan pepperZanthoxylum simulans
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Broad Leaved
- Golden Lemon
- Valerian
- Wasabi
🌳 Fruits, Nuts, & Berries 🍇
- Almond
- Apple
- Ambrosia
- Cortland
- Smokehouse (M.9)
- Apricot
- Cherry
- Bing
- Sweetheart
- Citrus
- Kieffer Lime
- Moro Blood Orange
- Pomelo
- Fig
- Brown Turkey
- Petite Black
- Grape
- Buffalo (blue, seeded, jelly/juice)
- Himrod (white, seedless, table)
- Jupiter (blue, seedless, table)
- Reliance (pink, seedless, table)
- Suffolk Red (red, seedless, table)
- Vanessa (red, seedless, table)
- Goji Berry
- Crimson Star
- Unknown Variety
- Honeyberry
- Berry Blue™
- Borealis
- Strawberry Sensation
- PassionflowerPassiflora
- PassionfruitPassiflora edulis
- MaypopPassiflora incarnata
- Peach
- Pear
- Plum
- Methley
- Seneca
- Raspberry
- Canby
- Polka
- Strawberry
- Alpine
- Whopper
🌺 Flower Garden 💐
- Alyssum
- Pastel Carpet, Mixed Colors
- Aster
- Baby's Breath
- Deep Carmine
- Balsam
- Blue Giant HyssopLicorice Mint (Anise Hyssop)
- Cactus
- Calendula
- Orange
- Yellow
- Calla LilyZantedeschia
- Natural Bouquet
- Ruby Sensation
- Sunrise Assorted
- Picasso
- Purple Moon
- Candytuft
- Carnation
- King of Blacks
- Raspberry Ripple
- Clematis
- Coleus
- Wizard Mix
- Columbine
- Cornflower (Bachelor's Button)
- Blue
- Polka Dot (Mixed Colors)
- Cosmos
- Crocus
- White w/Purple stripes
- Saffron
- Cyclamen
- Dahlia
- Mary Evelyn
- Violet Opera
- White Opera
- Delphinium
- Blue
- Dianthus
- Black and White Minstrels
- Cranberry Ice
- Pop Star (Devon Esther)
- Spotty
- Velvet 'n Lace
- Fern
- Silver Falls (Japanese Painted)
- Gaillardia
- Arizona Apricot
- Indian Blanket
- Hellebore
- Fire and Ice
- Winter Jewels 'Onyx Odyssey'
- Winter Jewels 'Painted Doubles'
- Picotee Pearl
- Jasmine
- Pink
- Night Blooming
- Lilium
- Entertainer
- Tiny Sensation
- Lobelia
- Crystal Palace
- Lupine
- Silver
- MarigoldTagetes
- FrenchTagetes patula
- Lemon/Tangerine GemsTagetes tenuifolia
- Mexican Hat
- Nasturtium
- Northern Sweetvetch
- Palm
- Cateracterum
- Pansy / Viola
- Helen MountViola tricolor
- Tiger EyeViola x williamsii
- Persian Shield
- Phlox
- Flame White Eye
- Poppy
- Poppy, California
- Mission Bells
- Orange
- Rose
- Rudbeckia
- Goldsturm
- SnakeplantSansevieria trifasciata
- Snapdragon
- Maximum Mix
- Floral Showers Deep Bronze
- Sunflower
- Dwarf Teddy
- Mammoth
- Sweet Pea
- Early Gigantea (Mixed Colors)
- Toothache PlantAcmella oleracea
- Zinnia
- Candy Cane (Mixed Colors)
- Zahara Mix (Mixed Colors)